Also complies to ERC-1155: ** Data set to 0 because there is no meaningful check yet to be done on the data
constructor(string _uri)
issue(address _to, bytes _validityData, uint256 _topic, uint256 _value, bytes _data) → uint256 id
See {IERC1888-issue}.
cannot be the zero address.
batchIssue(address _to, bytes[] _validityData, uint256[] _topics, uint256[] _values, bytes[] _data) → uint256[] ids
See {IERC1888-batchIssue}.
cannot be the zero address.
, _values
and _validityData
must have the same length.
mint(uint256 _id, address _to, uint256 _quantity)
Allows the issuer to mint more fungible tokens for existing ERC-188 certificates.
Allows batch issuing to an array of _to addresses.
cannot be the zero address.
safeTransferAndClaimFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _id, uint256 _value, bytes _data, bytes _claimData)
See {IERC1888-safeTransferAndClaimFrom}.
cannot be the zero address.
has to have a balance above or equal _value
safeBatchTransferAndClaimFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256[] _ids, uint256[] _values, bytes _data, bytes[] _claimData)
See {IERC1888-safeBatchTransferAndClaimFrom}.
and _from
cannot be the zero addresses.
has to have a balance above 0.
claimedBalanceOf(address _owner, uint256 _id) → uint256
See {IERC1888-claimedBalanceOf}.
claimedBalanceOfBatch(address[] _owners, uint256[] _ids) → uint256[]
See {IERC1888-claimedBalanceOfBatch}.
getCertificate(uint256 _id) → address issuer, uint256 topic, bytes validityCall, bytes data
See {IERC1888-getCertificate}.
_burn(address _from, uint256 _id, uint256 _value)
Burn certificates after they've been claimed, and increase the claimed balance.
_validate(address _verifier, bytes _validityData)
Validate if the certificate is valid against an external _verifier