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constructor(string _uri) (public)

batchIssueMultiple(address[] _to, bytes[] _validityData, uint256[] _topics, uint256[] _values, bytes[] _data) → uint256[] ids (external)

Similar to {IERC1888-batchIssue}, but not a part of the ERC-1888 standard.

Allows batch issuing to an array of _to addresses. _to cannot be the zero addresses. _to, _data, _values, _topics and _validityData must have the same length.

safeBatchTransferFromMultiple(address[] _from, address[] _to, uint256[] _ids, uint256[] _values, bytes[] _data) (external)

Similar to {ERC1155-safeBatchTransferFrom}, but not a part of the ERC-1155 standard.

Allows batch transferring to/from an array of addresses.

safeBatchTransferAndClaimFromMultiple(address[] _from, address[] _to, uint256[] _ids, uint256[] _values, bytes[] _data, bytes[] _claimData) (external)

Similar to {IERC1888-safeBatchTransferAndClaimFrom}, but not a part of the ERC-1888 standard.

Allows batch claiming to/from an array of addresses.

TransferBatchMultiple(address operator, address[] from, address[] to, uint256[] ids, uint256[] values)

ClaimBatchMultiple(address[] _claimIssuer, address[] _claimSubject, uint256[] _topics, uint256[] _ids, uint256[] _values, bytes[] _claimData)